This is quite a surprise. M just called me up to say that she read the previous post. At least we got things straightened out. Actually when I post I guess I'm in a way hoping that the people I talk about read my post and understand my feelings. How else can I tell them to the face "Hey this thing your doing to me bugs me like anything."
Once I get it off my chest in my blog it feels great.
But when I know someone who I mentioned read it, well that beats everything else. The point got in without me opening my mouth. Its like a cream puff pastry with sprinkles on top which you eat in the dark. You don't knwo what you're eating but when you taste it its marvellous.
But one thing egging me is that my PARENTS are reading my blog. I know their style of language and I can almost certainly vouch for that.
Ha! My viewers for this blog has upped to two more!
Exams are coming so with all the stress this blog turns into a rant but I'm at the emotional crisis age. It needs something to go right before everything else falls in place.
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