Tuesday, July 21, 2009
English Journal Entry on Anorexia
I’ve listened to a mock debate about the ethics in force-feeding anorexia and one side proposed anorexia as a way of life which we should condone if not support. When you think of it, is it just because they are a minority with strong opposition that they can not explain themselves decently enough to the public? Personally, I’ve had problems with weight but it could be because of all the bad media on it that makes me think that dietary “abnormalities” are heinous destructions to the sanctity of life.
Okay, I’ve just found the supposed “Get Thin or Die Trying” facebook page but this one is made by American women in the aim of “ending discrimination against thin people”. Their introduction seems really enticing for women of size 0-4. I’m now reading their health-cum-dietary page. It seems like they care a lot about health and they are exceedingly knowledgeable when it comes to carb contents and daily activities. One post is nearly dictating a possible diet to one of the users, added with a long string of very healthy fruits and vegetables in the never-before-touched category in my records.
I looked in another category in this forum and the language used here is a bit more offensive. The users are angry with facebook for closing down their account. The members section is locked so I can’t read the posts about their personal accounts unless I become a member (which they won’t accept since I’m considered… fat)
I’ve found the Fauzi Rassull site. The language here is more noticeably pro anorexic. Skinny and healthy are used as reasons in the forums and walls. Quite a lot of oaths are being sprouted on the wall.
In today’s' fashion, we see that everyone is obsessed with losing weight/thinspirationing. Skinny is the new lean. Skinny is perfection. Skinny is beautiful. THINSPIRATION rules.
That was still okay as a catchphrase. I could do an equivalent for art anytime. But the newspapers failed to touch on the personalities of the blogger. At first I thought that he could be a rational man who likes fashion and poses but takes it as that’s-that. On his blog though, it’s a different matter. He boasts and proudly proclaims himself a “kween” of b-ing. Most of the members of the group hold fashion as the epitome of life. Some of the things are simply weird and outrageous to me.
It reminds me of the fable about the miser who had many servants and a huge mansion but refused to eat anything but rice and a small amount of soya-sauce. One day, a fly fell into his sauce and flew away. The man obstinately went around trying to catch the fly while all his servants offered to catch it or get some more soya sauce for him. Eventually, he caught it with his chopsticks and proceeded to eat the fly, as though he was savoring the soya-sauce he though the fly contained.
Okay: It started with the fashion world because of models wanting to stay in shape. Now, the world is strongly against it because models have fainted, collapsed and died on the walkways. Now there’s the want for acceptance in the “perfection/ideal” club. I guess everyone wants to have a reference point of a goal; it’s so hard to find it when people constantly say “don’t let your dreams restrain you”. People don’t want to feel average sometimes or mediocre.
Hundreds and thousands of people have this problem of understanding these disorders, so I ought to set my sights a little lower.
I checked my t-shirt. I’m a size 14. By GAP standards, it’s XXL. But I like the comfort of hand-me- downs. Men’s jeans are surprisingly comfy.
How mean is mean? Avoiding all those things about how bad can you go without losing your salvation, let's just go really wild. I feel mean, or maybe I'm simply snappish. The projects and all the undone homework on my side and my classmates.
I watched part of Mean Girls, the part when they were in the school gym getting lectured by their teachers. The girls are pretty, beautiful even, but they can all honestly say that they've been told on before and have told on other people's secrets. Some are totally full of themselves and all of them seem to be stylishly dressed and very into the boyfriend-girlfriend thing.
I want to feel beautiful and stylish in the clothes that I wear. I want to be able to walk into a store and see racks of clothing I can fit into instead of waiting and waiting for sales to find all the out-sized clothes. I wish I could have the money to splurge on clothes from good brands and not have to resort to flipping through bargain tank tops and skinny jeans to find a nice blouse. I wish I could eat all that I want to without gaining any weight. I want to be known as pretty and attractive by my peers and not just the women in my family or the ones which we sometimes meet.
How do some girls do it? Wear those unique clothes which you can never find and look amazing at any party or social event.
Nevermind, I've bimboed out enough for now. School starts in ten minutes.
Monday, July 20, 2009
King Lear(leer)
This Week's thing on King Lear is about the role of the Fool in the story. We've discussed a little about him in class but as with Shakespeare, no literature (or rather English) teacher will let us drop a character like that. I came up with some points but basically this was what we came up with. (Mostly our teacher firing questions at us and major stagnant pauses until someone responds)
I have to admit, online games will be my demise. And of all of them, it had to be neopets and Youda Sushi Chef on Miniclip.com.
The fool: used as a character to show the irony in the whole demise of King Lear.
The name of the Fool brings to mindan imbecile, a dimwit, a clown or even a court jester. Someone who is not of nobility or much education or learning. Yet, he contrasts with Lear because of his wisdom. In the fool's remarks and comments on Lear's situation, he seems to have a clearer view and stream of thought than the King himself, whom we would expect wisdom and experience from. The fool's insights then give the stark juxtaposition on different levels.
First, the status between the King and the Fool. How could a King be left with no loyal servant or companion but the Fool and Mad Tom in the wind and rain?
Second, the logic and reasoning that shows one's wisdom varies immensely between the two characters. While the King ought to be advising his subjects and himself, it seems like he is getting more reason out of the fool. This makes people listen to the fool when they realise he's not just a clown or jester to liven up the play but an important character which comes in at pertinent points to give focus to the audience.
This attention and focus it reaps from the audience allows Shakespeare to use him as a mouthpiece to make people think about the matters and themes brought out in the play. Some playwriters also adopt a similar style and in other plays, Shakespeare also uses insignificant characters to say the poignant points which need to be brought out into the drama.
That was what we discussed.
And Youda Sushi Chef was just a demo... sob. I only did one week of sushi cutting!!!
Here's a conversation involving me and a classmate Vivian. Its about the Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama and why in the world its used for English lessons. Yes. My blog is that empty.
I'm Knitogether.
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
So Maths and English is due tomorrow, and school ends on time tomorrow?
Knitogether says:
erm 2:15 for you
what el is there really?
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
Write some stupid reflections on Obama
Knitogether says:
oh right
i just did points
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
I seriously do not understand the purpose of reading a boring politics book just because it was written by the president of USA
Knitogether says:
before he was elected
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
Fine, written by a famous Senator
Knitogether says:
well. what if she made us read some obscure name then?
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
Why do we, as young students, need to read a book about politics?
Knitogether says:
like i don't know, thoughts of abram lincoln
better now than never
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
Sorry just trying to spark a debate. I wanna know what it feels like
Knitogether says:
which one of us is going to pick up a book like... that in our adult life unless its just to keep in our cupbards
and tell ppl oh yeha i've read parts of it
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
Exactly! Why do we even need to read it?
Knitogether says:
at least its only one book and it covers quite a number of issues
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
Why do we even need to cast a glance upon it in the first place?
Come on you know you want to side with me
Knitogether says:
and it broadens our view on the problems with the world
in singapore we're sheltered from bad politics other than the near annihilation of political groups
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
But why do we even need to broaden our view with the problems across the world?
Knitogether says:
because we are the world
and we need to create awareness and just do something about it
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
We are not going to be included. Even if we did know of it, we wouldn't be able to do anything about it
But we can't do anything about it!
Knitogether says:
rather than sit around pretending exactly that
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
Ignorance is bliss
Knitogether says:
imagine, we could start a blog, or donate something which will eventually end up where its needed
we all would like to think so but what if out parents and government used that as an excuse
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
Or, people might think it is a waste of time, or it is a hoax, and never come and look at the blog again
Knitogether says:
do unto others what you would liek others to do unto you
perhaps but its only some
even if its only the minority you touch, its still something
like if one person helps three others and each of those three helps another three and the cycle keeps on continuing itself, very soon a school, a town, a suburb, a country will be impacted
and vice versa if everyone ignores the fire next door or the old lady who dropped her groceries
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
Sorry I gtg. My relatives are going to use the table for dinner
Knitogether says:
it all adds up to something, whether positive or negative is up to ourselves
Vivian - Time to make a box! says:
But great I like a private like this. Thanks!
private debate*
Okay see you folks!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Apogee - the highest point
1) English reflections on the Michael Jackson song I chose, inferences and patterns that can be seen in his style of music and on his memorial.
2) Make Geography notes on Global warming and the depleting Ozone layer... by this weekend
3) Art Project, Vogue, make 6 sketches of models or that french word for them, croquis or something in different poses. 2 each on on a sheet of A3 drawing paper
4) Can a Knot Untangle Their lives reflection also for English
6)History Project due week 6
7) Greenwave Report. I've done my share
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
This House Believes that Fairytales are Bad for Children
We'll be having General Knowledge Quizzes once every week for English and they will come into the Continual Assesment results, which, in a way affect our total score. If it was an essay or comprehension or class work, that is understandable, but across such a large range of subjects and topics, even school debate members will be seeing GAME OVER flashing in their minds. For a generally undetailed person when it comes to remembering information, this is doom.
I understand the rational behind this decision of our English teacher, but isn't there a stnadard format of tests across the board. Surely a letter with our actual class performance could be generated. 20 minutes could generate a letter that can be sent to all the parents and a table with the grades in respective areas could be alongside it. It probably would mean more effort, but nine more week's worth of quizes is no easy feet in my point of view either. My dad thinks that the Singapore part of the quiz should be managable, I beg to differ.
For a well travelled woman like our teacher (she revealed her appointments to be in Nepal, India, Australia and New Zealand), experiencing the creams of the crops in a specific area or in world affairs, such a mindset can be hard to break. Or actually, impossible. She used words like "mediocre", "all of them are averaging Bs", "It's not just about how many As", "What you make of your lives", "You have so much more of your life to live, but death can take any one, at six or sixty" and oh, as much as any intellectual person can say in ten to fifteen minutes in front of a silent class. and in the middle, "I'm not scolding you".
She's a puzzlement, truely. She can be really engaging when she wants to, drawing topics like Michael Jackson's death and current events which sometimes are very much removed from our lives. One question was about Julie Andrews and which song she was most reknowned for. When it comes to this sort of thing, I can't say much, its an area I hardly read in depth into. But its sometimes just the area of interests you have. For people like the Nepal students she has who have an Ivy League University scholarship who know even minute facts about Singapore I forget, they are interested in such things. And not knowing such things doesn't make you any less interesting to talk to, or mediocre. I don't find myself boring and I'm sure people I talk to don't find me so either because I can't tell them about the dates or specific ideas. I can tell them about musicals and incidents in my life, of the places I've been where the person next to me may have crossed over the same places. If they cared to tlak of world events, I would beg an explanation of the situation then give my own opinions.
That isn't important anyway. For now, just read news articles like a good debater, something I have put off due to relaxation purposes. I can't see why someone can't live life knowing about things generally, instead of being some encyclopedia. If everyone at an institution did that, there would be hardly any interesting trivia anymore. News is depressing. We are just students, we can change some things, but before we try to change somethings and make something of ourselves that the world can see, I think we best sort out our own beliefs.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
We've got three themes, (its an impromptu debate, and THREE debates in one day. That's just preliminary round, the final round would mean a forth debate, mostly likely not meant for us) Medical Ethics, Law and Justice and India.
We had two motions today and a short Opposition side only debate. The first motion was This House Should allow voluntary Euthanasia. The second, This House would allow force feeding of Anorexics. Both of which I was first speaker for proposition. And the new trainer wants me as first, gulp. The third, where I was first Opposition, dang it, was This House would allow teenagers to be charged as adults for criminal offences.
And if you're wondering, yes, I did miserably because of all the time slipped by without a training. And yes, my tracking and handwriting was quite illegible, even to myself.
Okay, so my next few blog posts will discuss a motion or topic or something. I think I'll try doing an explanation of Law and Justice and about the whole concept of human rights and whats not.
Alternatively, my crochet hook is right in front of me.
Or there is Act 2,3,4 and 5 of King Lear which I have yet to do mindmaps for.
Ah well, at least I don't have to do mindmaps for Macbeth or Merchant of Venice. Thank all the teachers.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Literature Device Used - Emphasis
We were dealing with Isaiah chapters 20 to 27. Only the preacher took it one step further to include Isaiah 13 to 27. There was this whole thing going on, saying that to cover such a range would require a sermon 3 hours longer. I think that once I finish the four gospels I'll try reading Isaiah, it has some really profound imagery. That's why the title of today's message was "Apocalyptic Literature", language failed Isaiah, forcing him to use metaphorical language.
There were four key points, a lot was based on the grace of God and the fall of the kingdoms and human work. The preacher made a good point about nations, that superpowers today keep rising and falling. A few decades ago it was Russia, then America, now Asia. Same as in Isaiah, when there were prophesies of Egypt, Cush, Babylon, Edom, Arabia, Jerusalem, Tyre and the Earth.
- God is calling for our Trust
- Live our Lives under His Grace
- Real people have real problems
- Set your eyes on what is to come, remembering the past
Enough of that. About religion of all sorts now. Whenever my mother sees a person who is learned and critical, she wonders how they can trust so completely in other deities and idols. But what determines man's trust in something. It's like our own religion, my Buddhist friend wonders how I believe so much in God and I her.
Now I'm listening to tracks from The Fiddler on the Roof, I need to rent the movie soon. The first time I did, my player couldn't read it. It is about a Jewish village of sorts, a poor man, asking God about his lot in life, about the lack of honour in a poor man's life, thus the song "If I Were a Rich Man". But the Jews have a very strong faith, observing the Sabbath and always looking to God, their life long dreams being to sit in a synagogue to discuss the Holy Books. Then there are the Arab Christians, who are caught among the Israelites and their Muslim Arabs. You wonder how little your faith is compared to them. And if a person who worshipped idols had stronger faith than yours. Their devotion in things created by man so much stronger.
Enough of this. Lets work on the art piece for Youth Sunday. It's going to be A3 for mine, a church leader has commissioned me now.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I've had a several year absence from this place. It was a good several years.
I see nothing to respect really in any effort to make me want to learn the language to get THE grade, which is basically why anyone forces you to learn a subject in this world. I don't feel inclined to learn the language so that I can read more novels or write my own. I don't feel obliged to know more than the set of conversational skills to talk to my relatives. I don't feel obliged to know it because there is pure Chinese blood in my veins.
Lets list the facts. China is a communist country, was once a monarchy, and has a religion that I don't believe in. I respect the culture, but beyond that, China is a sexist nation even in ancient times, women weren't thought more than playthings. And now people say Guanyin is a male.
What about that.
Okay, time to face my doom.
It wasn't too bad, other than the fact that the 5 months pregnant teacher is two kilograms lighter than me. We are about the same height, with her perhaps a few centimeters taller than me.
Also, the over-spoon-feeding Busy Bees still holds as their priority. And also the crazy score system and the hostile people which join the class. To other things I guess.
I'll try blogging about other things, or rather, get the heck on with my English holiday homework.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Eighteen Minutes
Alright, there's a course for dance or expression organised by my English teacher and conducted by Nirmala, a professional Classical Indian Dancer.
The theme is: If you had 18 minutes to live your life in, what would you do?
I want to show the love of conversation, of being with people, of eating, of falling in love with the person you are talking with and having them fall in love with you as well.
The few times I really enjoyed someone's conversation is with someone who enjoys reading and a bit of history, travel, enjoying life or something along those lines. That is with a Jewish grandmother who doesn't look as old as she is, although she has been suffering from lack of sleep, aches, the like. Ellen Maserati, like the car brand.
We talk about all sorts, art, books, Latin, her book club, our lives, travelling in New Zealand and going into a transparent helicopter above mountains and chasms (her experience), her not being able to drink coffee, the taste of the chocolate cake over the issue about dieting (which she quite does). But we always do that with my mother with us. But it's great, three generations... nearly.
Words that'll come out would be:
Laughter, Horrible, Latin, Tea, Poverty, America, France, War, God, Religion, History, Airplanes, Blackberries, New York, Movies, Libraries, Plays, Theatre, Drama, Music, Companionship, Family, Mussels, French Fries, Chocolate.
If I'm going to speak in gibberish though... for a short period of time, or to say a poem...
Blacclick bokugoo silata zeara, piroco
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Project Private Walks Begins
Don't worry unknown girl, just declare your name and I will not go on a tirade about lurkers and annonymous comments. No offecnce seriously. My mother just can't take my message since she doesn't know how at ease I am with my primary school and my aim at being slightly flippant about the matter instead of lying (I had finished most of my visiting before she started the tutoring, which was unplanned, of course) that I was just hanging around for hanging around's sake.
I don't think anyone my age could thoroughly blame me, I was just so irritated by the whole day. Let me recount.
My seniors asked me to stay back for a meeting for the next Model United Nations Conference in the year, only four of us showed up and one wasn't directly involved as a delegate. In the end all we managed to do was get me trying as much as possible through subtle hints to discuss the skit we had to do on Saturday. We went for lunch and right after they wanted to watch a movie, I declined, having no interest in the movies being screened and went to my primary school. I had fun there mostly, until I was quite overcome by boredom since no one was really around to talk to me, the teachers are really busy, it being the exam period and all. (I finished my last paper today, happy but nervous over the results, bad premonitions, but i did my best)
I know I can't blame anyone for that small rebuke but I think I am more affected than the student herself. I have a really weak emotional barrier built up around me. Kept low so that I won't be too blind. As long as I felt no malice before, during and after I said it I'm sure it is alright. I meant it as an explanation and perhaps just wanting my mother to tell me how long she expected to be there. About half an hour ago in the staffroom it was just a few more spelling books and suddenly I had a glutinous expanse of time.
I'm listening to The Pianist now, or half listening, since I'm blogging and watching it at the same time. Grounds me, these movies, leaves me aware of the worse forms of segregations, masacres, hardships that I'll ever know till the Last Day. I don't like stories sometimes because they do not really say it as it is. But some novelists really achieve the realism, even in a fantasy world, that's why like them. C.S. Lewis and J.R Tolkien can do that purely because of the angles they have in the story and because THEY SAY that its a story, not attempting to potray the story as something real.
Okay, the Pianist is about the German Holocaust, featuring Jewish Wladyslaw Szpilman. I hate these sort of horrific movies but sometimes, real life situations tell you the most. Pictures bypass the mind's interpretation of words. That's how comics come alive and movies become reality. Which is why I seek quite a bit of solace in books, more if I can afford the time, where I can choose how much to bypass my reasoning.
Oh and contrary to what the unknown girl thinks, I don't exactly like the idea of migration. I just need to find a friend, a serious male friend to listen to me and dispell my worries that I'm not attractive enough to a guy's eye or that I'm too boring for most people (which is the idea drilled into me by a majority of my friends).
Okay, Project Private Walks Begins. Don't expect me to blog much. I'll be writing.
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Girl Next Door has Lost Her Hope
Apparently he's gotten quite close to a girl I know distantly. Of course she's his age and all, classmates. But up till now there hasn't been anything about the two of them. Seems like he's been helping her a lot though. Ah well, I never had a picture of him, but he's possibly the only guy in our estate that I find alright, of all the eligible youths I've seen. He likes art, has a night-life (that I can't keep up with), socialises I'm sure. What's to do when you're two major exams behind a boy you want to just be friends with?
Well I'm sure I'll find my prince charming one day, I've told myself many times that I just need to find a good male friend whom I can talk with. Like about literature and art and history and ourselves. A Boy-Girl relationship adds too much triviality. You just want to advance to the next stage and all that, not really bothering to talk about controversial issues.
Enough romance (I'm now quite certian that I'm a romantic), thanks miss teo for following my blog. See you next term! Mother's Day is coming along. We watched a really touching Indian movie, Every Child is Special, (with English subtitles of ocurse!) that Dr. Maha showed us. I owe her a journal entry for that. There's going to be a book fair (rather book vendor) coming to school on the 23rd under her request.
What is life really about though? Is it an endless pursuit for something? And must that something always be intuned to your religion? I'm going to launch a self-initiated project to answer those questions with things I notice in June. I'm going to title it Private Walks or A Month. But I may not stick to a month.
Okay Geoography and Math next Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. Exams... Let it go, let it all go.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Poetry Night
We were asked to write two poems in this 3 hour crash course (ten to fifteen minutes each, the rest of the course was spent talking about poems, exceedingly engaging and left me wondering if he, like other poets, wanted to trap us with his ideas) smack in the middle of the exam weeks. (thankfully its the last day of April, meaning tomorrow is Labour day and it'll be a nice, long, revision-filled weekend) One was based on the art installation the Professor had to notice while entering the school building. The art students' City of the Future Project. Miss Teo, if you are reading this, good job!
Of course, as seen by the previous posts, I was involved and I think my poem conveys what I feel about the whole project and my own interpretation, which was better left unmentioned in my preparatory sketches. It touches slightly on what I feel about some folks in the art class who, perhaps, don't understand me too well or just have a... to use the term, prejudiced view.
I see a silver of the place,
Just the waves, you see, lapping and yapping at the shoreline.
the pristine, clear cut structure and mass
just plonked in the middle of a levitating island over a
crumpled. black, hole
over which mobiles with sharp edges cut the babe's hands
as she reaches out to touch it
stay way, the beckoning beacon says,
but she is only a child,
untried by life's trials.
she touches it, then prods it, a metallic glob forms,
and trickles and mingles through her netted wires
the whole city is being enveloped into tar
while i sit here with pen and parchment
when in the present my hands are marred and scarred
the hollering infidels just want to touch sharp razors.
And the second poem, an interpretation or a poem about a postcard which we picked at random.
I got the postcard of the typewriter, with the caption "We do the Write thing for you!", promoting paper and English related checking services. and I immediately thought of Roald Dahl's short story. It was meant to be a six liner but I didn't hear that part. But here's what I cropped of my original poem:
It's amazing, they do it all for you
send a mash of literary mush,
all american blabberish or ingrammatical kableesh
and you become a bestseller
not just any meyer who wins over the sellers
you get sick when they pull out their trick
This, I shared with Gina, who was a year older and me and chose me to discuss her poem with. She's a nice senior, also thought by Dr. Maha. The class was about 25 girls from two classes, only parts of our class showed up.
And the rest of what I wrote:
It's amazing, they do it all for you
send a mash of literary mush,
all american blabberish or ingrammatical kableesh
and you become a bestseller
not just any meyer who wins over the sellers
you get sick when they pull out their trick
just your name and face and novel idea
which no one ever liked
but, ah, yes, potential, we'll keep this and
publish it after a few tweaks, yes?
a few more similar calls with all your other entries
and you realise its a recorded voice
but, busy people have tight schedules, no?
it comes out a week later, fresh as a spring,
and every bit as jumpy
or perhaps a tot lumpy, like fermented milk in the fridge
they've got my catchphrase there...
yes... and the character does this... oh yes! the oscillations!
why though does it seem different? subtly different.
But who cares about changes, what's important
is the changing dough, if you get my drift.
My excuse for typing all that out? The Doctor wants it. Chinese exam was a flop. But I've still got humanities, Science and Math. So chin up dear girl!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Once I get it off my chest in my blog it feels great.
But when I know someone who I mentioned read it, well that beats everything else. The point got in without me opening my mouth. Its like a cream puff pastry with sprinkles on top which you eat in the dark. You don't knwo what you're eating but when you taste it its marvellous.
But one thing egging me is that my PARENTS are reading my blog. I know their style of language and I can almost certainly vouch for that.
Ha! My viewers for this blog has upped to two more!
Exams are coming so with all the stress this blog turns into a rant but I'm at the emotional crisis age. It needs something to go right before everything else falls in place.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Here's what happened this week.
I found out on Monday that we had a Literature Essay on a grammatically incorrect poem by Tuesday. I had spent the previous night trying to come up with something but I had hardly gone past the third paragraph when I had fallen asleep, twice. It was eleven thirty at night. I promptly went to bed in the hopes of getting an extension as no one in class was really sure whether or not we had to the essay in any case. I had left school earlier on Thursday, the day before Good Friday.
Looking back, I wouldn't have time to write the essay even if I had known. I've got three math papers to to a accomplish by Friday night and a whole mountain of revision to conquer.
So on behalf of all the other girls who had left early and had not done the essay, I pleaded successfully. We had till Thursday.
Then at the end of the lesson, that Literature teacher went on and on about the responsibility of a student to hand in homework early. I suppose that's partially my fault. But in the end some of my friends did benefit from it. I finished it during free period in any case and handed it in to her before school ended.
One thing about teachers and parents and, I don't know, everyone who has expectations of you, they always think you should prioritize. The problem is, they shrink all other aspects to fit a pin head and expect us to have equal weightage towards all our subjects or some such thing. Like parents, equal weightage between studies and health, which makes me subject to a homework curfew of 12 midnight. Impossible to achieve I must say but sometimes I do stay up beyond that. My literature teacher thinks that we should prioritize according to deadlines, making sure we submit something. But she doesn't understand that most of us had projects which were graded. Such as my Art building which I need to improve on soon. The rest look rather dishevelled but at least they garner the eye's interest.
Now I think I'm subject to the displeasure of quite a number of people. That teacher. Other folks because just a moment ago we saw our ranking for that Odyssey of Mind competition... eighth out of ten in our division.
Tuesday's events also had a few more disappointments. Namely the car trip back home with my friends, M and A. Normally I try to maintain a lively conversation as much as possible but mid-way I just felt exhausted. They kept talking to themselves in the backseat. Normally, yes I understand that as a woman in the front seat its hard for others to talk to you but, they didn't refer to me or ask me questions to include me in the conversations. Cough, cough, I'm the daughter of the parent who gives the ride back.
Well just call me temperamental. But do you know those convention or orating members? They always have anecdotes. And in my church or circles, the anecdote of the nice guy who calls you up or bumps into you and starts a long talk with you keeps coming up when they talk about patience. And there you are standing with a strained voice and smile trying to wish your way out of it. Well, A did that to me.
Okay now, Thursday. Chinese tuition was scary. It seems like I'll never pass my paper. But I think I'll cope till my national exam. I wish I could take French or some other language like Latin. I went hope with A because M said A wanted me to go home with her. The thing about going home with them is that it is so awkward. They hardly talk when I'm going out with one and I'm always trying to pick up the conversation, more like peppering A with questions really.
V was slightly frizzled off. I suppose its because of the vast amounts of homework our Literature and English Teacher gave.
We found out that our math teacher is going for a major operation next Monday at 9 a.m. To remove her reproductive system because of a cyst that developed there. Please pray for her. Hoping that its still alright. She's one of the senior teachers in the school and she must be quite nervous. She trusts in God, it'll be painful but who knew that she could hide it for two years! That's how it grew so huge. She says the operation will be of no "consequence" since her reproductive system is going to shrivel up inside her in any case. Kind of gross but that is true. Our body will degenerate as we age. Till we're breathing organisms. Our exams are in two weeks but she's finished the syllabus and thinks our class can handle. She'll only see us after summer break. At least this sort of thing grounds you to life.
One more thing. I think I've got it bad with Eurasian or Caucasian boys. It's scary. Their voices especially, killers.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
And Tuesday, today, when I had to pierce my skin with that little wooden carving knife. Or rather wood carving tool, used to make wood block carvings. I started something on Monday, to hollow out a wood block to make a little recession big enough to stack notes on top. Partly out of anger and somehow, before school even started the blade slipped and blood came out.
Instant Reaction: Vampire instincts. Suck the blood.
It was partially sparked by the fact that our backdrop's wheels were spoilt. Possibly by my own doing. But I am the sort who doesn't like to admit it, because it would only make me feel more remorseful. Or rather more liable for others to blame. It doesn't matter too much, they've got some sort of solution.
Andy Williams has a very soothing voice. Its quite claiming to think about God and all those broader views of the world, knowing its all going to work out.
The thing about the cut was that the blood coming out was so thin and watery. At least I knew they didn't totally hate me when one of my friends told the teacher but she disappeared soon after to do other things.
Now its Thursday, just a few hours before Good Friday. Today I spent most of my time in agony. I don't have any friends now in the place where I spend most of my waking hours. Except my seniors in debate, I spend my extra curricular activities with them and that's a lot of time. I can just tell them things I would never dream of telling my class because they can't take a joke or let me tell them something really interesting. The moment you mention the opposite gender in two stories one after the other they think you're boy crazy and having over-active hormones.
Okay, to cut short I've got to:
1) Go for meeting from 8 to 9:15 for that project
2) Math homework (substantial, actually, very)
3) Chinese (very substantial)
4) Geography (few pages)
5) Science/Literature/Geography/History/Art notes and revision
6) Try writing an English Essay and one of the letters
7) English speech research on "Why should I stop eating fast food" and "How to save the Earth" (low priority)
8) Art sculpture on an A4 piece of mounting board. City of the future. 30% weightage for mid-years! (VERY HIGH PRIORITY DUE TUESDAY!)
9) Settling my emotions right, and getting my studies first. I wish I had a home-tutor so I wouldn't have to bother with people in a class.
Praying for a miracle to happen, they do happen now. But my time of the month wasn't the miracle I was hoping for.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Study Guide At the end of this unit you will be able to:
define conflict
point out the difference between internal and external conflict
The plots of most stories centers around conflict. A conflict is a struggle between opposing forces.
There are two main kinds of conflict in stories: external and internal.
External Conflict.
A struggle between a character and an outside force is an external conflict. Characters may face several types of outside forces. The outside force may be another character. It may be the character and the community. The outside force may also be forces of nature. For example, a story might be the main character struggling against the arctic cold.
Man against man.
Man against nature.
Internal Conflict.A struggle that takes place in a character's mind is called internal conflict. For example, a character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem. Sometimes, a character must deal with his or her own mixed feelings or emotions.
Man against himself.
The Importance of Conflict.Conflict is necessary to every story. In short stories, there is usually one major conflict. In longer stories, there could be several conflicts.
Conflict adds excitement and suspense to a story. The conflict usually becomes clear to the beginning of a story. As the plot unfolds, the reader starts to wonder what will happen next and how the characters will handle the situation. Many readers enjoy trying to predict the final outcome.
The excitement usually builds to a high point, or climax. The climax is the turning point of the story. Something has happened to resolve the conflict.
Reading for Conflict.As you read a story:
identify the main characters
decide what conflict they face
look for steps they take to settle that conflict
see if the steps cause other conflict
watch for clues and try to predict what the characters will do
enjoy the buildup of suspense
put yourself in the story
decide if you would have solved the conflict in the same way
And that's our homework. Write about conflict in the story Holes by Louis Sachar. Our English and Literature teacher set that. The above was conveniently copied from Mrs. D's website, possibly some kinder teacher on the other side of the world.
The City of the Future sketches are due today as well but I'm not to worried about that.
Just the essay, which is due tomorrow. And our teacher, who has threatened to walk out of class during English period later. Right now its my free period and the computer is conveniently located at the back of the classroom. I could start on the essay but I just feel like getting my thoughts straight.
I know the class has been strongly opposing her but I find her one of my favourite English teachers. I've only had two. One of them is Teacher Martin, who was my enrichment teacher a number of years ago. The rest are just random folks.
She asks for our opinion but doesn't give hers. That's for lesson time.
She gives her opinion but doesn't hear ours. That's when she complains about our class' response. Which is equivalent to 5% capacity usage. Of which me and and less than two others respond to mostly. Or not. Depending. It makes you look bad when you respond and no one else does.
That's no excuse.
She's done a lot for the class, trying to dress it up with bright coloured cloth and all. But we're not that receptive.
It's hard when the class presents a solid mental block.
God Bless her and let her come back for English later.
Hopefully we'll get an extension for the essay. I've got art till 6 today. I'll be home and done with dinner earliest 7:20, only if I bolt it down like I haven't seen food in a decade. By the time I gear up after rereading most parts of Holes it'll be 8. An essay takes about an hour to write. For me to write in larger font it'll take 20 odd minutes more. Which leaves me at 9:20. I'll need to put on my lenses (i wear hard lens, corrective at night). Leaving me say 9:35. I'll then need to cram Science revision and read the poem and read the other 3 stories to be tested at the Assessment. That will leave me close to eleven. Bible Study: Read the Resurrection of Christ. Set Alarm, brush my teeth. It'll be 11:20p.m by then. Which means I'll sleep for 6 hours odd. But that's only if I stick to the "schedule". I need my sleep. My parents force me to.